000130_news@columbia.edu_Sun Dec 17 16:48:57 1995.msg
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From: fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz)
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
Subject: Re: Help needed with using scripts to send escape character
Date: 17 Dec 1995 16:48:57 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
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In article <4avfof$cv3@access1.digex.net>,
R. D. Davis <rdd@access1.digex.net> wrote:
: While setting up a utility to automate file transfers, using c-kermit
: (UNIX version) I ran into a problem: I couldn't figure how to automate
: the sending of an escape sequence. More specifically, after puting
: the remote kermit into server mode, I can't figure out how to avoid
: manually entering an escape sequence ( ctrl-\ c ) so that the script
: running from the other kermit could begin sending commands to the
: server.
I'd be tempted to add this question and answer to our FAQ if it were not
clearly explained in the manual, "Using C-Kermit", chapters 11-13 on
script programming, particularly pages 276-277. Here's a hint -- if
you're writing an automated procedure that runs by itself, don't put the
CONNECT command in it. Use the OUTPUT and INPUT commands instead. (And
if it's a TCP/IP connection, use the SET HOST command instead of the
TELNET command.)
Time out for a commercial message (not aimed personally at the
poster or any other individual). The Kermit Project is funded ONLY
by the income it generates, primarily from sales of the printed
manuals. Kermit's script language is like any other programming
language -- C, Fortran, Pascal, PL/I, Visual Basic, etc; you
wouldn't think of learning how to program in any of those languages
without a manual.
Thanks to the phenomenal growth of the Internet and the easy accessibility
of Kermit software to everyone in the world, more people are using our
software than ever before, and fewer than ever are doing their part to
support the Kermit Project -- and to help themselves get the most out of
the software -- by purchasing the manuals. Our help-desk workload is
skyrocketing while our income takes a nosedive. We'd like to continue our
work, but this trend is ominous.
For information about the Kermit software manuals and how to get them,
see our Web page:
and more specifically:
And if you don't have a Web browser:
: Also, I noticed that help shows that there's a "remote kermit command"
: command, but I got an error message indicating that this wasn't
: implemented.
It's implemented in the C-Kermit and MS-DOS Kermit clients, but it also
needs to be implemented in the Kermit server on the other end. To date,
the only Kermit program that implements the server end of "remote kermit"
is IBM Mainframe Kermit. You can generally accomplish the same things
using other commands, like REMOTE SET and other client/server-oriented
commands, also documented in the manual.
- Frank